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  • Volume 3, Issue 3
    Research Article
    Emmanuelle Durand, Carole Leroux, Guillaume Perouel, Claire Beausoleil, Celine Dubois, Lauranne Verines-Jouin, Christophe Rousselle, Valerie Pernelet-Joly and Francois Pouzaud*
    Abstract: In 2009, the French Health Ministry requested the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) to assess the risks for consumers regarding exposure to suspected endocrine disruptors (EDs) and/or reproductive toxicants (R2s). For the purpose of the study consumer products containing the selected EDs were identified from a national sector survey among manufacturers and available bibliographic data. For each product, use patterns and exposure scenario were defined for workers and general populations including vulnerable population. A scientific review of the effects on reproduction (fertility/development) and endocrine-disrupting potential was conducted in order to select critical doses for these target populations. Toxicological reference doses (TRs) were calculated as the ratio between critical doses and uncertainty factors. Both direct consumer exposure to EDs in consumer products and indirect exposure by the intake of contaminated air and house dust were considered. For each scenario, uptake doses were modelled through a probabilistic approach based on a one-dimensional Monte Carlo simulation.
    Finally, the statistical distributions of doses through direct and indirect exposure were compared to TRs to assess the risk. Probabilistic exposure assessment was preferred to the deterministic approach because it includes uncertainty and variability in some parameters and therefore allows a more realistic description of consumer exposure. It also provides the opportunity to assess the final consumer exposure uncertainty by sensitivity analysis.
    The method described was applied tofiveR2s and/or EDs: n-hexane, toluene, cis-CTAC, orthophenylphenol (OPP) and methyl-tert-butylether (MTBE).
    Results showed that exposure situations posing a potential risk for embryonic or foetal development may exist, due to occupational or non-occupational exposure of pregnant women to certain consumer products containing toluene, n-hexane or cis-CTAC. Situations at risk for reproduction have also been brought to light, although ANSES emphasizes that strong uncertainties exist with regard to the risk situation identified for MTBE.
    Case Report
    Nuno Rodrigues-Silva* and Anegla Venancio
    Abstract: In urine screening, false-positives are often reported for several drugs. This may lead to clinical misdiagnosis and has negative consequences for the patient on personal and social grounds, if they are not identified. False-positives for opiates are rare, but we report a case where a high-dose of levomepromazine was involved.
    Mucahit Avcil, Yunus Emre OZLUER*, Kivanc Karaman, Mucahit KAPCI and Burcak KANTEKIN
    Carbamazepine (CBZ) is a widely prescribed anticonvulsant agent. It is used in treatment of epilepsy including general tonic-clonic, simple partial and complex partial seizures, neuropathicpains, especially in trigeminalneuralgia, central diabetes insipidus, attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorders and bipolar disorders. CBZ overdose is usually associated with cardiac, neurologic and respiratory problems. By this time, several treatment modalities such as oral multiple doses of activated charcoal, conventional hemodialysis (HD), high-flux hemodialysis (HFHD), continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration (CVVHDF), albumin-enhanced CVVHDF with high and low dialysate flow, resin hemoperfusion(HP), plasma exchange (PE) and charcoal HP have been performed in treating acute CBZ toxicity, however traditional supportive care is stil considered the primary treatment for CBZ intoxication. We would like to report a case of severe CBZ poisioning who was treated with ILE therapy.
    Mini Review
    Setareh Alipourfetrati, Alhussain Saeed*, Jason M. Norris, Fahad Sheckley and Anjay Rastogi
    Abstract: Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked lysosomal storage disease (LSD) that results in accumulation of the glycosphingolipid globotriaosylceramide (GL-3) in various tissues of the body due to deficient activity of the lysosomal enzyme alpha-galactosidase A (a-Gal A). Accumulation of the undegraded substrate seriously affects the renal, cardiac, and cerebrovascular systems, resulting in a reduced lifespan and quality of life for Fabry patients. Periodic infusion of recombinant human a-Gal A, known as enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is the current FDA-approved treatment for FD. Alternative treatments are being investigated, including chaperones, substrate reduction therapy (SRT), stem cell transplant, and gene therapy. In this article, we review the latest available data regarding ERT, its use, safety, and effect on the main presentations of FD and also the ongoing studies of novel agents and modalities currently under investigation.
    Review Article
    Sitansu Kumar Verma*, Soni Yadav, Anirudh Singh
    Abstract: To identify the in vitro antibacterial activity, minimum inhibitory concentration and photochemical content of Mangifera indica flower extract against six bacterial strains. Antibacterial activity of Mangifera indica was performed with different solvents (aqueous, ethanol, methanol and acetone) against various human pathogens viz., Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Staphylococcus aureus, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Salmonella typhi. Preliminary photochemical analysis was carried with potent methanolic extract. The ethanolic and methanolic extract of Mangifera indica flower can be used as potential antibacterial sources. The methanolic extract showed a maximum zone of inhibition (23±1.00 mm) against S. typhi and minimum zone of inhibition (13.00±1.21mm) with ethanolic extract against Staphylococcus aureus. Further, the ethanolic extract observed in maximum (21±1.00 mm) against S. typhi and minimum (15±0.57mm) zone of inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus. In addition to the photochemical analyses were showed the presence of phenol, flavonoides, steroids, soapanins, tannins, carbohydrateand proteins.The experimental result revealed that the usage of these plants traditionally for medicinal purposes.
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