Good and strong erection has long been considered as the main component of male power.
Therefore, the patient who experiences problems with potency is in a very depressed state, suffering from stress.
At the end of the last century, well-known drugs against erectile dysfunction, such as Viagra and Cialis, were developed. They have a great effect, but they are expensive. Therefore, consumers often ask: is there a good substitute for these drugs?
Not so long ago, another generic drug for erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment called Stendra was developed in India. It became a real competitor to popular Viagra. Buyers appreciate Stendra for its safety and good effect. This med is very attractive to male audience, because it has a number of advantages that are different from other medicines against ED.
However, this medicine is not well known yet. What is its innovation? What effect does the drug have? Where is it better to buy Stendra online? Answers to this and many other questions can be found in this article.
What is Stendra: history, peculiarities of action
Stendra (Avanafil) is a drug for oral administration. What is Stendra used for? It is intended for treatment of ED (impotence) of varying severity. ED means a physiological condition in which a man can't achieve or maintain an erection. The causes of impotence are well known. Most often, doctors name bad ecology, high stress level, addiction to nicotine and alcohol. Stendra (Avanafil) is the newest drug for ED treatment. During its production, the most interesting pharmacological methods were used.
At specialized forums, one can often see the question: “ED drug Stendra - what is it?” Men’s interest in the new drug is clear. Currently, the main means of impotence treatment are:
- Levitra;
- Viagra;
- Cialis
These drugs belong to the group of PDE-5 inhibitors. They’ve been present on the market for a long time. Therefore, doctors and consumers have studied them well. Most recently, Stendra appeared in pharmacies. It differs from the listed drugs mainly in safety. This medicine of a new generation is distinguished by a more selective action and almost complete absence of side effects.
The principle of action of Stendra and its main substance Avanafil is similar to its closest analogues. After intake of Stendra, the blood flow in the reproductive system improves, the vessels dilate, making it easy to achieve an erection. At the same time, an erection does not occur uncontrollably, but quite naturally - with sexual stimulation.
It may be asked why we need to buy Stendra, if there are already proven and reliable drugs with the same principle of action? The main difference between Stendra and other ED meds is a very high impact rate. Viagra must be taken an hour before sex. It is not easy to calculate this time, there is anxiety, whether the drug will start its action on time. And Avanafil starts working already 15-20 minutes after taking the pill, in other words, almost immediately. Yes, the claimed time of the guaranteed action is 30-45 minutes after intake, but most of the participants in clinical trials felt the effect after 15 minutes, which is confirmed by the feedback.
In addition, generic and branded drugs based on Avanafil have no dietary restrictions. Competing products impose restrictions, some prohibit combining them with alcohol intake, others - with fatty and abundant food. But Stendra has no such restrictions and during a romantic dinner you will not have to think about what you can eat and what not.
Stendra pills, or Avana, were developed by Vivus. This is a small pharmaceutical company with headquarters located in Mountain View (California, USA). The drug development process underlies the Orgasm Inc documentary (2009). The US FDA approved the drug Avanafil (Stendra) on April 27, 2012. The European Agency EMA approved the drug on June 21, 2013. In Europe, it is sold under the brand name Spedra. The drug is same as Stendra. The manufacturer subsequently (July 2013) signed a cooperation agreement with the Menarini Group (a subsidiary of Berlin Chemie). Currently, the drug is sold in more than 40 countries.

Can Stendra be purchased online without a prescription
Many medicines used to treat erectile dysfunction can’t be bought without a doctor's prescription. However, a generic has a significant advantage in this aspect: you can buy Stendra without a doctor's prescription online. You do not have to spend your time on trips to pharmacies: just open the desired site and place an order.
The price of the drug when buying it online is acceptable. The price of Stendra 100 mg in India is the same as in any US online drugstore.
Purchasing without a prescription online, you will not wait for a long delivery Stendra from India. Just after few days you will get an effective generic that will solve your erectile dysfunction problem.
How Long Does Stendra (Avanafil) last
Many users are wondering: how long is Stendra effective? The content of Avanafil 100 mg tablet reaches maximum efficiency within 30-40 minutes, so the manufacturer says. However, patients claim that the action begins much earlier - in 10-15 minutes. A man can achieve an excellent erection during next 4-6 hours.
However, the presence of Stendra in the organism depends on some factors. It is influenced by factors such as age, severity of ED, drug tolerance, use of other drugs, alcohol consumption, health, etc. Compared with other PDE-5 inhibitors, Avanafil is considered a fast-acting solution.
How to use Stendra?
Many patients ask: how long before sex should I take Stendra? What is the best time to use Stendra?
The recommended dose is 100 mg. It should be taken approximately 15-30 min. before planned sex. Given individual efficacy and tolerability, the dose can be increased to a maximum of 200 mg or reduced to 50 mg.
How often should you take Stendra?
The recommended dose is better to be taken 1 time per day. Sexual arousal is required for the effect to be manifested. Stendra is contraindicated in patients with severe renal insufficiency. Clinical studies in patients with mild and moderate renal insufficiency showed a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug compared with those with normal kidney function.
What dosage of Stendra 200mg is it safe to take in 24 hours?
In some cases, the dosage of the drug can be increased to 200 mg, if the patient is not satisfied with the effect of the usual dose of 100 mg. Taking an increased dose, you must be especially careful.
Interaction with food and alcohol drinks
The advantage of using this drug is its full compatibility with alcohol. You can use Stendra together with any kind of alcohol. The patient may not worry about his state of health, even if he drinks a glass of champagne or wine before taking the pill.
Stendra is allowed for treatment along with the consumption of fatty foods. But in order to normalize the state of health and to avoid the manifestation of acute side effects, doctors recommend normalizing the diet. Try to refrain from taking products, the percentage of fat content of which exceeds 30%. Also exclude from your menu spicy, salty, fried or spicy dishes, sweets and confectionery. Focus on low-caloric and light foods: vegetable broths, meat soups, fruits, cereals, cereals, etc. This approach will allow you to adjust the diet and generally improve your health.
Refrain from taking the drug if you have not turned 18 years old. The medicine is prohibited for use by persons over 70 years old, women and small children. Before starting the course of treatment, check the absence of an allergic reaction or individual intolerance of your bodyto Avanafil. Do not use tablets in the post-infarction or post-stroke period.
Refrain from treatment if you have undergone surgery in the abdominal area over the past six months. Also, Stendra should not be taken by men whom excessive sexual activity is contraindicated. Do not use the drug in the case of diseases of heart or blood vessels. Acute renal or hepatic impairment is a contraindication, as well as the presence of the following diseases in a man:
- leukemia;
- myeloma;
- duodenal ulcer;
- epilepsy;
- anemia.
Stendra: dosage
The starting dose of Stendra is 100 mg. The dose of the drug can be adjusted depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. Thus, Avanafil dosage can be reduced to 50 mg or increased to 200 mg. The duration of taking the remedy is four to six hours.
Stendra dosage instructions say: it is recommended to take the medicine once in 24 hours. The maximum single dose is 200 mg.
When using this drug in doses exceeding the recommended ones, side effects may develop, but with a greater degree of severity. In case of overdose, it is necessary to stop using Stendra and consult a doctor. Overdose is usually treated symptomatically.
Side effect of Stendra
After using Stendra, side effects are rarely reported. But sometimes patients complain about the appearance of such symptoms:
- dizziness;
- temperature rises;
- mood changes;
- apathy;
- a person becomes drowsy or too irritated;
- weakness in the limbs;
- increase of blood pressure;
- problems with the stomach and intestines;
- vomiting, diarrhea.
Stendra vs Cialis vs Viagra
Many patients are at a loss: what is the best medicine for treating erectile dysfunction?
Some drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction begin to act faster than others, and food intake can be a contributing factor (Stendra compared to Viagra and Cialis):
- Cialis: in 15 - 45 minutes, food doesn’t affect
- Stendra: in 30 minutes
- Viagra: in 30 minutes, maybe later, if taken with food
- Cialis: 1,5 day
- Stendra: more than 6 hours
- Viagra: 4 to 5 hours
Preparations for combating erectile dysfunction differ in the duration of action during which a man can achieve an erection. Duration of action may vary depending on the dose taken and other factors.
Where to buy Stendra online
Each user can order Stendra in various online drugstores. A pack of 100 tablets is now available for you at the cheapest price: we offer you a comparison of prices at the most profitable resources.
It is more profitable to order more pills, for example, you pay 2.59 dollars per pill, buying a package of 500 tablets, and 4.99 dollars per pill, buying only 10 tabs. For comparison: one Viagra or Cialis tablet costs more than 15 dollars.
Stendra, approved in Canada and the United States, is quickly delivered to the buyer. After placing the order, you need to wait only a few days (from 3 to 4), and you will receive the goods you ordered.
The price of Stendra 100 mg is almost the same as that of the manufacturer. Online pharmacies do not set large retail margins because they provide a convenient and inexpensive service.
Why is it worth buying Stendra online
- Convenience. You are in front of your computer screen and place an order on the website. You do not have to spend time searching for the right drug in a regular pharmacy. Just a couple of clicks with the mouse - and the goods are ordered.
- Promptness. Stendra delivery is fast: it takes 3-4 days.
- Quality. Online pharmacies strictly control the quality of products sold. They possess the necessary certificates. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the desired effect of the drug.
Taking special drugs to combat erectile dysfunction is the way to recover and get your male power back. You will be able to be self-confident again, to enjoy intimate relations.
Check out new drugs with amazing potential. Buy cheap generic Stendra online, saving your money and time. Do not remain indifferent to your sexual problems! Invest in your health and enjoy a happy sex life!
Stendra 50 mg
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